Friday, November 26, 2010

It's my favorite day of the year.

Yesterday was wonderful.
I made my very first Thanksgiving Dinner without Mom!
Spencer and I spent the day in the kitchen and made a wonderful feast! I have been so excited for this day to come. Thanksgiving has always been my very favorite holiday! The day devoted to spending it entirely with the people I love most and eating great food ALL-DAY-LONG no other holiday is better than this one! : )

This year I tried some new recipes from this blog and they turned out almost perfect. My big fear of having a dry turkey did not happen, it was delicious! We had so much fun making this and we even got started on some wedding decorations too while waiting for the food to cook!

I am so thankful for the many ways Heavenly Father has blessed me in my life: for loving parents who have always been so supportive of me. for my wonderful fiancée, i love him. for my brothers who have been my biggest examples in life. for my faith in God and knowing He has a plan for each of us. for my job. for my heater working in my car this winter. for my dear friends and for cell phones and computers that connect me to them. for my big kitchen. for good music, oh how i love thee. for chocolate. for the beautiful mountains i get to see everyday. for my freedom and safety in this country. I feel so happy and so lucky!

Our Feast!

Spencer made his first Turkey too

The Turks

He will be my Husband in 99 days!

Apple-Pear Pie with Shooting Stars and Cat cut outs (may remind you of this pie : ) )